
Paulina Zelitzky und ihre Entdeckungen bei Kuba

Abb. 1 Paulina Zelitzky entdeckte 2001 die putativen Relikte einer versunkenen Zivilisation vor der Küste von Kuba.

(red) Über den Lebenslauf der Entdeckerin des "kubanischen Atlantis" heißt es in Tony O’Connell´s Atlantipedia.ie: "Paulina Zelitsky was born in Poland and studied engineering in the former Soviet Union. During the Cold War she worked on a submarine base in Cuba but defected to Canada, where she married Paul Weizweig and together set up a company called Advanced Digital Communications (ADC). The company specialises in deep-sea exploration. The Cuban government had employed them to assist in the location of sunken treasure that is believed to lie off the coast in a variety of vessels.

In 2001 they announced the discovery of megalithic structures 9 km off Cabo San Antonio on the western tip of Cuba, in water half a mile deep. The expedition was a joint venture between ADC, the National Geographic Society and the Centre for Marine Archaeology and Anthropology at the Cuban Academy of Sciences in Cuba. Subsequent announcements included a claim that inscriptions had been found on some of stones that appear vaguely similar to Greek. Other carvings seem to be related to Central American symbols including what is sometimes referred to as the Central American Cross. Cuban academics are studying these incisions. It has been suggested that the US State Department applied pressure on The National Geographical Society to withdraw a promise of two million dollars to fund further investigations because of US Administration’s antipathy towards Cuba.

In late 2004, Zelitsky led a team to explore the sea floor between the Yucatan peninsula and Cuba where sonar reading had suggested manmade structures. Apparently they think that an island was submerged ten or twelve thousand years ago as a result of seismic activity." [1]

Beiträge bei Atlantisforschung.de

Kuba - das karibische Atlantis (bb)

Neues zu den megalithischen Funden vor der Westküste Kubas (Linda Moulton Howe)

Nov. 2004: Wissenschaftler mussten Suche nach karibischem Atlantis unterbrechen (red)

Juli 2005: Neue Unterwasser-Expedition zum 'kubanischen Atlantis' geplant (Hernán Casares Camera)

Anmerkungen und Quellen

  1. Quelle: Tony O’Connell, in Atlantipedia.ie, unter: Zelitsky, Paulina, 13. Juni 2010


(1) Guerrillero, nach: OOPARTS (Bildbearbeitung durch Atlantisforschung.de)


Abb. 1 Christian O'Brien

(bb) Der britische Geologe, Alternativ-Historiker und Buchautor Christian O’Brien (geb. 9. Jan. 1914 in Fulham, London – gest. 17. Feb. 2001 in Dunmow, Essex) hat gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Barbara Joy O'Brien wesentliche Beiträge zur Weiterentwicklung der Klassischen Atlantis-Theorie und zur alternativen Zivilisations-Geschichtsforschung geleistet, sowie Akzente in der Erforschung der Religionsgeschichte gesetzt.

Nach Christians Schulzeit auf der Tiffin Boys School, Kingston-upon-Thames studierte er am Christ's College der Universität Cambridge Naturwissenschaft, und graduierte dort im Jahr 1935. 1936 begann er für die damalige Anglo-Iranian Oil Company - heute British Petrol (BP) - zu arbeiten.

Seine Tätigkeit als Explorationsgologe begann Christian O'Brien im Südiran unter Anleitung des Senior-Geologen Victor Boileau, dem er u.a. im Winter 1936–37 bei seiner der Wiederentdeckung des Zikkurats der elamitischen Residenzstadt Tschoga Zanbil assistierte. O'Brien blieb zunächst drei Jahre im Iran, und kehrte dann vorübergehend nach England zurück, wo er den Ausbruch des II. Weltkriegs erlebte, an dem er bei den Royal Engineers in Italien und Tunesien teilnahm, um schließlich seine Militärlaufbahn als Major zu beenden. In der Nachkriegszeit kehrte er in den Iran zurück, war aber aber auch an geologischen Erkundungen in Kanada und anderen Ländern beteiligt.

Abb. 2

Am 16. Oktober 1958 heirateten er und Barbara Joy Kelly.

Nachdem er in der Öl-Branche Karriere gemacht hatte, ging Christian O'Brien 1970 in den Ruhestand und erhielt für seine Verdienste um die britische Wirtschaft die Auszeichnung "Commander of the Order of the British Empire" (CBE), die dritte Stufe des britischen Ritterordens (Order of the British Empire) Nun konnte er sich ganz seiner Leidenschaft, der Erforschung prähistorischer Rätsel, widmen.

So entdeckte und erforschte er zwei prähistorische Observatorien, das 'Integrated Astronomical Observatory Line A' - zwischen Hatfield Forest und Wandlebury - in der Nähe von Cambridge, und den astronomischen Komplex Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, England, beide datiert auf ca. 2500 v. Chr. Obwohl die O'Briens dazu im Verlauf der folgenden Jahre mehrere detaillierte Publikationen vorlegten und überwältigende mathematische Beweise dafür präsentieren konnten, dass diese Anlagen einst tatsächlich zu explizit astronomischen Zwecken errichtet wurden, fiel die Reaktion der 'Fachwelt' so erbärmlich aus, wie dies bei so genannten "Laienfunden" fast immer der Fall zu sein scheint: man ignorierte sie weitgehend.

and went on to discover from Early Sumerian and other ancient texts, the origin of their builders, and the founders of agriculture and civilisation in the Near East c. 9,500 BC.

Auf ihrer gemeinsamen Suche nach den kulturell hochstehenden Konstrukteuren von 'Line A' und dem Komplex von Bodmin Moor, verfolgten Christian und Barbara Joy O'Brien deren Spuren zurück bis in den Mittleren Osten, nach Kanaan and Sumer.

the need to master archaic Sumerian cuneiform, Aramaic and Hebrew texts and languages.

O'Brien became the scholar who continued the work of Samuel Noah Kramer, who was born in the Ukraine in 1897, and died in the United States in 1990. Kramer was one of the world's leading Assyriologists, and a world renowned expert in Sumerian history and language.

The cylinders and tablets, recording the Kharsag Epics, form part of the Nippur collection held at the University Museum, Philadelphia in the USA. They describe in detail the agricultural, and advanced technical activities of the primary Sumerian Gods, An, Enlil and Ninhursag. The detail within the Kharsag Epics are supported independently by the Books of Enoch, and the early chapters of Genesis.

1985 veröffentlichten die beiden O'Briens ihr Buch "The Genius of the Few", sets out the evidence that Kharsag and the Garden of Eden were one and the same, and that this record was a pre-historic reality rather than a biblical myth.

He concluded that the south Rachaiya Basin met the requirements as being the most probable location of the Kharsag/Eden site. And further that; a group of culturally and technically advanced people who settled in this inter-montane valley in the Near East had established an agricultural and teaching centre at about 8,200 BC. (Now re-calibrated to about 9,300 BC).

He derived his choice for the location of Kharsag from a wide range of disciplines, including descriptions of the area given by Enoch when he was taken to meet the Great Lord and record all that was going on. O'Brien finally used the French surveyed 1:20,000 map of the area, to eliminate three other possible inter-montaine basins before deciding that the Rachaiya south basin site, best matched the evidence.

The Path of Light provides the remarkable supporting evidence from the long lost recorded words of Jesus, but retained within the Egyptian Coptic records of the early Christian Church.



  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1953, Salztektonik in Südpersien, Stuttgart.
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1957, Salt Diapirism in South Persia, London and Amsterdam.
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1960, The Structural Geology of the Boule and Bosche Ranges in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, London.
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1975, The Wandlebury-Hatfield Heath Astronomical Complex, Thaxted.
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., An Integrated Astronomical Complex of Earthworks at Wandlebury and Hatfield Forest from the Third Millenium BC: For the Establishment of Solar and Lunar Calendars and for an Apparent Attempt at Measuring the Circumference of the Earth, (Paperback) 1976
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1983, The Megalithic Odyssey, A.C. Wellingborough. ISBN 0-85500-188-7
  • O'Brien, C.A.E. & O'Brien B.J., 1985, The Genius of The Few, Wellingborough. ISBN 0-946604-17-7 (Revised edition by Dianthus Publishing 1999)
  • O'Brien, C.A.E., 1985, The Path of Light, The Deram Beas, India. ISBN 0-09466-0427-4 (Revised edition by Dianthus Publishing 1999)
  • O'Brien, C.A.E. & O'Brien B.J., 1999, The Shining Ones, Dianthus Publishing ISBN 0-946604-20-7 (Revised edition by Dianthus Publishing, 2001)
  • O'Brien, C.A.E. & O'Brien B.J., 2005, Eastern Odyssey – Experiences of a Young Geologist, E & E Plumridge, Cambridge. ISBN 0-9516563-9-2

He was convinced that Atlantis had been located in The Azores. He has suggested a possible outline of Atlantis based on the submerged contours of the islands (see below). He has also written a number of books in collaboration with his wife Barbara Joy on a range of subject

The Path of Light provides the remarkable supporting evidence from the long lost recorded words of Jesus, rediscovered within the Egyptian Coptic records of the early Christian Church.

Christian O'Brien died in February 2001 aged 87.

Barbara Joy und Christian O'Brien

Christian O'Brien, a remarkable scholar, retired in 1970 as head of the Iranian oil industry and became a full-time researcher into prehistory. He was kind enough to give our Wessex Research and Schools and Universities Networks groups several fascinating talks in 1984, Turnstone Press, part of the Thorsons Group, published his two impressive books, "The Megalithic Odyssey: A Search for the Master Builders of the Bodmin Moor Astronomical Complex of Stone Circles and Giant Cairns" in 1983, and "The Genius of the Few: The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden" in 1985. This was a major publishing event, and I remember the sheer excitement as the immensity of the implications of the thesis sank in.

Many gigantic stone structures, the thesis runs, were built within a space of only two centuries in the Third Millennium B.C., in a sudden spurt of precision building that suddenly came from previously primitive cultures: among them the Pyramids of Egypt, the great works at Avebury and Silbury Hill, the first part of Stonehenge, the early ziggurats of Mesopotamia and the advanced cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa in the Indus Valley. The first book argues for the advent in history of a race of master builders, a group originating before Sumeria,, regarded in orthodox circles as the oldest advanced Middle Eastern culture which suddenly and mysteriously learned the arts of civilization. These master builders traversed much of the World guiding, instructing and inspiring local populations, not only with building techniques but with advanced astronomical and philosophical wisdom, as is shown by the Bodmin Moor complex which O'Brien and his wife, Joy, discovered in 1978. The linguistic evidence for this is impressively assembled, with amazing similarities of place-names on their overseas journeys, including Britain, compared in detail with their Sumerian originals.

The second book, written with Joy O'Brien, is even more fascinating. It goes back to 8,000 B.C. — almost, be it noted, Atlantean times. According to Sumerian scripts which they translated in a logical, scientific way without the usual religious bias, a group of wise sages appeared, known as the "Annanage" to the Sumerians and the "Elohim" ("Shining Ones") to the early Middle East people. They settled in a fertile basin in the Southern Lebanese mountains and set up an agricultural, crop and animal genetic research centre. This was not only for their own survival but to breed a superior genetic strain of humanity and teach them the elements of civilization. Passages in the Biblical Garden of Eden story of, for example, the creation of man and woman, the apple, the serpent, the temptation and the Fall, are compared with the very similar Sumerian passages based, it seems, on the same events. These sages seem to have been exploring what was for them an unknown world. According to the O'Briens, they were inevitably made into gods by the people, in their absence, thousands of years after these "creation" events; so that, for example, the words that could be translated in a matter-of-fact way as "The Shining Ones looked on the highlands and the lowlands with pleasure" were given the far more cosmic rendering of "God made the Heaven and the Earth" — "Elohim", literally plural "the Shining Ones" (i.e. O'Brien1s sages), becoming the singular "God". They went on, say the O'Briens, to found (by their genetic work) the Hebrew race, whose purity was supposed to be maintained by fierce injunctions to maintain cleanliness, eat pure foods, and not intermix with other races. The Hebrews carried the tribal memory of their homeland as the Garden of Eden, and of their benefactors as "angels" (literally Greek "angelos" — "messengers").

If this thesis is correct, and there was a confusion, (I would say at times only), between "The Shining Ones" and the concept of "God", I do not think this in any way prejudices the existence of a very real, universal true God, nor of its revealing itself genuinely in the Biblical (or other) scriptures; the most inspired passages very definitely show an awareness of this all-embracing consciousness, of which, surely, the sages or "Shining Ones" themselves were aware, as were most of the other great teachers of history. My concern is where these apparently very physical and scientific sages came from. One clear possibility is that they came from other planets; another, that they densified from higher planes of matter. But there is a clear, more Earthly possibility: that they came from the remnants of a once-great advanced civilization right here on this planet, and had saved sufficient of their scientific knowledge (especially of genetics) to perform the great commission, perhaps left them by their dying forefathers, of re-starting advanced life on a planet now recovering from a worldwide cataclysm.

Here one point is crucial. The O'Briens put the appearance of the first generation of these beings as at 8,000 BC. This leaves a convenient 500-1,500 years for Earth to recover from the catastrophe and the advanced remnant to reconvene, in some remote safe area, and reassemble its knowledge. What better, then, than to found a genetically advanced race which can lead the recovery, and then tour much of the world teaching how to re-found the arts of civilization with the "appropriate technology" of the time (megaliths, astronomy, agriculture, etc.)? Much of that tour led back to areas (western Europe, Britain) that would have been colonies of the sunken mother-land of which they would have had a vague but affectionate racial memory. When we consider the similarity with the persistent worldwide legends of ancient founding god-like figures like Quetzalcoatl or Atlas himself, who came from oceanic or Eastern lands, or from remote highlands or even "the Sun" or "the Heavens", the relevance to the Atlanteans, the "Sons of the Sun", becomes compelling.

Quelle: Hyarama, Atlantis & the Advanced Prehistoric World - WEB PAGE 2, unter: 18. "THE SHINING ONES" — THE GARDEN OF EDEN & THE RE-FOUNDERS OF CIVILIZATION