Traces of Atlantis in Peru

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By Karola Siebert (1965)

The Mantshchay valley lies some 20 kms. from Lima. It is flanked on two sides by high sandhills, and in it can be seen from afar a pillar of stone. Directly below that, a great natural block rises from the rock wall, the flat top forming a kind of table. This is the altar , and around it is a three-quarter circle, whose opening forms a small space before it. The three-quarter circle is the symbol of the fire god and also of the water god, and basically it is the same figure. Likewise, their names here are Huiracocha and Chon. Inside the small space in front of the altar, bones of sacrifices, still in my possession, were found as well as burnt ram's horns from the vicinity. It was instantly clear to me that these were relics of Atlantean Culture. Unbelievably, here was evidence of the Lost Continent. Never had I dreamed of finding it in Peru.

Later, on the sides of various hills I discovered remarkable drawings of the Poseidon Trident with the above mentioned with the above mentioned symbol attached, an early Ethiopian flood hieroglyph and a Theban City arms, and empty circle which a archaic script also represented the world before the creation, and beside it , a circle with a dot in the middle, which represents the ram god Aries (webmaster note-or should we say the Egyptian symbol of the sun). That is why, wherever there were traces of Atlantis, I found burnt ram's horns. The dot denotes the striking force of ram or fire, which causes earthquakes and resultant water catastrophes. Hence the joint name "Huiracocha Chon". Along the Peruvian Coast, Chon was worshipped. He was the water god of the sun gate of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, one of the oldest, if not the most ancient monument in the world.

I found his sign in other places nearby. Some 2 kms. in the direct line opposite the stone pillar of Mantschay is the Atlantean emblem, whose drawing is found on cliffs in Northern Europe. Next to it on a hill on whose peak were drawn the symbols of Egyptian sun-worship, was a zigzag line, in the middle a cross, and a little further away, completing the whole, the Ansata cross of the Pharaohs. On an isolated hill was the ancient South American equal-armed cross, small size, the same as that on the fire-worship altar with the Ansata crux. The small crosses predominate. They are evidence of the South American worship of the sun and of the elements. It is the most ancient symbol of the so-called New World. Centuries old, it comes undoubtedly from Atlantis just as, in general, the cult of stars spread out from there to both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. All these signs, together with the atschupaya plant, a kind of cactus, were "planted" in the sand. They may have been restored in the course of centuries, but the important thing is that the Atlantean pillar culture still exists in Peru today.

I was able to decipher the archaic inscriptions with the aid of the latest studies of the London Pali Text Society, whose secretary is Miss I. B. Horner. The Indians are right in asserting that this script, dating from prehistoric times when the seven continents still existed was universal. Fortunately, I photographed all these items, as military exercises have since destroyed everything. At Incahuasi in the Province of Caniete, some 200 kms from Lima, I found a classic Atlantis temple with five rows of pillars still standing; it was believed there should have been seven rows. The pillars, about 1.80 m. in height, are enclosed by four small walls. They are built of small broken stones fitted together and coated outside with a smooth substance which keeps them from falling apart. I counted thirteen in each of the five rows, most of them nearly level with the ground. Like the majority of ruins, these have almost disintegrated. The walled enclosure of each pillar indicates a special significance, definitely something sacred. This veneration of pillars emanated only from Atlantis, where the first column was raised to the Atlantean God Poseidon Atlas. Its meaning and purpose was to support the heavens and to protect the earth against their fall. I recommend the study of Plato's Critias and Timaeus, transmitting the text brought by Solon from the Priest of Sais.

This tells us that the three main religious supports were the pillars, and that the numbers were five and six, in whose honor the ten kings of Atlantis made a festival every five to six years. Behind these figures lies an abstract idea which was given expression in concrete form, to provide men with an object of worship. Last September five round temples were discovered in the jungle of San Martin. They are 20 meters in diameter, with a pillar in each, having the Vulcan symbol at the top, the three quarter circle built into the masonry and the zigzag of the fire cult impressed, similar to Mantschay. This is the first instance I know of five round walled temples with their five pillars- the Atlantean number five. I am not able to visit these ruins myself, eight days of strenuous travel from Lima, deep into the interior. Their finder, Carlos Torrealva Juarez, promised to return there, to make a clearing in the forest and a landing ground for helicopters. He and his companions were prospecting for mines.

In the ruined Indian city of Cajamarquilla, 16 kms. from Lima, I found three Atlantis temples. The first and main temple is dedicated to Huiracocha. It has a half circle of clay blocks on one hill, in the center of which is an altar of Vulcan: all people worshipped this natural force, only each named it in his own tongue. There is also a temple to the number five, recognizable from its flight of five steps, and beside it a temple to the number six with one (or two) flights of steps, each six treads each. Nobody here appreciates that the number of steps and of the window openings is symbolic. In the same set of ruins is a temple of Mysteries, identical with that of Osiris in Egypt, dedicated to the god of fire. Before the altar is a large space pierced with many holes up to 15 meters deep, and at the bottom are large openings connecting them with each other, in a zigzag line. No one had perceived this, but I went down a rope ladder and saw for myself that the connecting holes were at angles to each other.

This indicates that the sun and water cults trod on the zigzag path to emulate the line of lightning and of the ocean waves, and then they would emerge in the near by sun temple which also has several holes in front of its thirteen step stairway. In his book "The Golden Bough", Sir James Frazer explains this "imitation magic" of primitive peoples. Only through the book on the ruins of Chavin by professor German Busse, Lecturer at Lima Catholic University, was it possible for me to discover the hidden significance of the chief idol which stands at the center of an underground labyrinth. His tracing, which he allowed me to photograph, shows the two halves of the idol's face hewn on either side of a triangular block. The credit for the interpretation belongs to the professor. It must be mentioned that the floor below the idol bears the same flood symbol as that on the sandhill of Mantschay, only in stone. The idol itself has a bulls head with savage tusks. In the center of its face are to S S figures opposite each other, symbol of the Egyptian Queen of Heaven Isis. A further symbol of Isis is seen in the horizontal snakes on both sides of the forehead. According to Egyptian Mythology, the spirit of Osiris dwelt in the heavenly beast Apis. Thus it is understandable that his countenance bears the sign of his consort Isis. Consequently it was not difficult to establish that the chief idol of Chavin belonged to the Apis Cult.

This conformity with Egypt could only have come by way of Atlantis, the Island-bridge between Africa and America. It is my belief that Atlantean culture spread from its starting point at Tiahuanaco, in a direct line to Ica (Inca?) on the Pacific, then along the coast to Chancay and Casma, where I found definate symbols of Atlantis, thence to Chavin in the Sierra where the Apis idol bears witness and must surely have come from Atlantis, and then spread out on both sides of the Ocean. The Sumerian beast "Raman" belongs to the same category. Here I must mention that fortress structure (which I am convinced it is) of Sacsayhuaman in Cuzco with its zigzag line of huge stones, exactly like the Mystery Temple of Cajamarquilla and the sandhills of Mantschay, represents the worship of fire and water. The people of antiquity wrote in stones erected by giants who lived in the moonless age. This can be under cosmogony of Hans Hoerbiger. There are myths of giants on the Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. The city of Ica is named after one such giant. In conclusion I qoute from Dmitri Merezhkovsky's "Secrets of the West", published in London some thirty years ago: "Relics of Atlantis still exist in the unsolved mysteries of Egypt, Mexico and Peru.".

Source: Karola Siebert, "Traces of Atlantis in Peru", in: Egerton Sykes (editor), Atlantis Vol. 18 No. 3 / May 1965