Anhang: Kontakt, Quelle und Literaturverzeichnis

Anhang zu: Atlantis: Der verlorene Kontinent

von unserem Gastautor William Lauritzen

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Ausgewählte Literaturliste

Ashe, Geoffrey, Atlantis: Lost Lands, Ancient Wisdom, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992.

Bangs, Richard and Kallen, Christian, Islands of Fire, Islands of Spice, Sierra Club Books, S.F., 1988.

Bauval, Robert, and Gilbert, Adrian, The Orion Mystery, Crown, NY, 1994.

Berlitz, Charles, The Mystery of Atlantis, Avon, NY, 1976.

Blavatsky, H. P., The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Theosophical Publishing, London, 1888.

Brace, C. Loring, Nelson, Harry, and Korn, Noel, Atlas of Fossil Man, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, 1971.

Bramwell, James, Lost Atlantis, Newcastle Publishing, Hollywood, CA, 1994.

Browder, Anthony T., Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization, The Institute of Karmic Guidance, Washington, 1992.

Brunhouse, Robert L. In Search of the Maya: The First Archeologists, University of New Mexico Press, 1973.

Budge, E.A.Wallis, Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Two Volumes, Dover, NY, 1973 (1911 original).

Budge, E.A.Wallis, The Book of the Dead, University Books, NY, 1960 (copy of 1913 Medici Society version).

Carey, S. Warren, Theories of the Earth and Universe, Stanford University Press, 1988.

Casti, John, Paradigms Lost, Avon Books, NY, 1989.

Cernan, C. W., Gods, Graves and Scholars, Bantam, NY, 1972.

Churchward, James, The Lost Continent of Mu, Ives Washburn, New York, 1931.

Clark, R. T. Rundle, Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt, Thames and Hudson, NY, 1959.

Coe, Michael, Breaking the Mayan Code, Thames and Hudson, NY, 1992.

Cone, Joseph, Fire Under the Sea, William Morrow, NY, 1991.

Dalton, Bill, Indonesian Handbook, Moon Publications, Chico, California.

Davidovits, Dr. Joseph, and Morris, Margie, The Pyramids: An Enigma Solved, Dorset Press, NY, 1988.

de Camp, L. Sprague, Lost Continents, Dover, NY, 1954,1970.

Donnelly, Ignatius, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper and Brothers, NY, 1949.

Encyclopedia Britannica, William Benton, Chicago, 1969.

Faulkner, Raymond, translator, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994.

Feder, Kenneth, Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries, Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View, CA, 1996.

Gardener, Martin, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, Dover, NY, 1954, 1957.

Godwin, Malcolm, Angels: An Endangered Species, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1990.

Greene, Mott T., Natural Knowledge in Preclassical Antiquity, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1992.

Handcock, Graham, Fingerprints of the Gods, Crown, NY, 1995.

Handcock, Graham and Bauval, Robert, The Message of the Sphinx, Three Rivers Press, NY, 1996.

Hope, Murry, The Sirius Connection, Element Books, Rockport Mass., 1996.

Hapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1996.

Harris, Stephan L., Agents of Chaos, Mountain Press, Missoula, Montana, 1990.

Hutton, Peter, Java, Apa Productions, Hong Kong, 1980.

Fagan, Brian, The Journey from Eden, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1990.

Fagan, Brian, Time Detectives, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1995.

Fuller, R. Buckminster, Tetrascroll, St. Martin’s, NY, 1982.

Fuller, R. Buckminster, Critical Path, St. Martin’s, NY, 1981.

Furneaux, Rupart, Krakatau, Prentice-Hall, Inc. NJ, 1964.

Kohler, Pierre, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Barron’s, NY, 1986.

LaMoreaux, Philip, and Idris, Hussein, The Exodus: Myth, Legend, History, Word Way Press, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1996.

Larick, Roy, and Ciochon, Russell, “The African Emergence and Early Dispersals of the Genus Homo,” American Scientist, Vol. 84, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1996.

Le Plongeon, Augustus, Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx, Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA, 1972.

Lauritzen, William, “Move Over Primes-Versatiles Are Here!”, Communicator (The Journal of the California Mathematics Council), Fall, 1996.

Lauritzen, William, “The Versatility of Numbers,” Dome, Spring, 1996.

Mackenzie, Donald A., Pre-Columbian America: Myths and Mysteries, Senate, NY, 1996.

Marshall, Andrew and Walker, Zeanne, “Climbing the Tree of Life,” Garuda, 1997.

McBride, L. R., The Kahuna: Versatile Mystics of Old Hawaii, Petroglyph Press, Hilo, Hawaii, 1983.

Mercer, Samuel A.B., The Pyramid Texts, Longmans, Green and Co., NY, 1952.

Michanowsky, George, The Once and Future Star, Barnes and Noble, NY, 1979.

Morgan, Elaine, The Aquatic Ape, Stein and Day, NY, 1982.

Morgan, Elaine, The Scars of Evolution, Oxford University Press, NY, 1990.

Oey, Eric M., editor, Sumatra: Island of Adventure, Passport Books, Lincolnwood, Chicago, 1996.

Pellegrino, Charles, Unearthing Atlantis, Vintage Books, NY, 1991.

Plato, Timaeus and Critias, 360 BC, translated by Benjamin Jowett, in Great Books of the Western World, Encyclopedia Britannica, William Benton, Chicago, 1952. Pucci, Idanna, Bhima Swarga: The Balinese Journey of the Soul, Little, Brown and Company.

The Stanzas of Dyzan, Point Loma Publications, CA, 1981.

Ramage, Edwin, (ed.), Atlantis: Fact or Fiction? Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1978.

Sanders, N.K., The Epic of Giglamesh, Penguin, NY, 1960. Schwartz, Jean-Michel, The Mysteries of Easter Island, Avon, NY, 1973.

Sellers, Jane, The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt, Penguin, London, 1992.

Simpkin, Tom and Fiske, Richard, Krakatau 1883: The Volcanic Eruption and its Effects, Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington DC, 1983.

Steiner, Rudolf, Egyptian Myths and Mysteries, Anthroposophic Press, NY, 1971.

Thompson, Richard L., Alien Identities, Govardhan Hill, Alachua, Florida, 1993.

Thornton, Ian, Krakatau: The Destruction and Reassembly of an Island Ecosystem, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1996.

De Leeuw, Crossroads of the Java Sea, Jonathon Cape and Harrison Smith, NY 1931.

Wilson, Forbes, The Conquest of Copper Mountain, Antheneum, NY, 1981.

West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky, Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, USA, 1993 (Harper and Row, 1979)

Wolpoff, Milford and Caspari, Rachel, Race and Human Evolution, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1997.